🎉 Quandela closes a funding round with Quantonation and BPI France
July 20, 2020 – The startup Quandela has closed its first round table to develop unique, high-performance and reliable photonic qubit sources that are a technological building block for the creation of photonic quantum computers, secure quantum networks and ultra-precise sensors. This round was carried out with Quantonation, the first fund dedicated to quantum technologies, and Bpifrance.
Quandela: world leader in sources of photonic quantum bits
Created in 2017 by Pascale Senellart (CNRS senior scientist), Valérian Giesz, and Niccolo Somaschi, Quandela is a spin-off from the Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (C2N, CNRS-Université Paris Saclay) in Palaiseau, in the scientific cluster of Paris-Saclay. Quandela is one of the first companies in the world to market photonic qubit emitters in the form of single photon sources for the development of optical quantum computers and, in the middle term, their networking via secure quantum communications. Based on unique know-how and several patents, Quandela’s semiconductor nanostructure technology enables the emission of single photons very efficiently and extremely reliably. Two sources have already been delivered to customers in Australia and in Russia and new orders from European customers have been signed.
Valérian Giesz, CEO and co-Founder of Quandela, said: “With this fundraising, we have accumulated almost 1.5 million euros to accelerate the commercial deployment of our new generation of products, even more efficient, easy-to-use and reliable. The signals given in France in support of a national quantum industry are extremely encouraging and our experience positions us in a privileged way to make France a world leader in quantum technologies.”
This seed tour was led by the Fund Quantonation. Jean-Gabriel Boinot-Tramoni, member of the Board of Quandela testifies: “The Quandela team seduced us by its extreme scientific and technical competence but also by its vision on all applications of quantum, and its ability to deliver products today. Their technology has demonstrated outstanding performance with academics clients, the goal now is to grow and become a world industry leader.”
Niccolo Somaschi, CTO and co-founder of Quandela is enthusiastic: “This gesture of confidence from Quantonation and Bpifrance is accompanied by a strong traction at the European level where Quandela is recognized as an essential supplier for the development of optical quantum computers. The latter have the ability to scale up and demonstrate a quantum advantage for commercial applications in molecule, materials design, finance and other emerging applications.”
This fundraising with Quantonation has been amplified by Bpifrance’s French Tech Seed mechanism, which aims to finance less than three years old deeptech start-ups that are in the post-maturation phase. The leverage of the scheme on private investment, has enabled Quandela to raise 500K€ from the Public Investment Bank (Bpifrance) in the form of convertible bonds.
A remarkable lift on which Michael Fournier, deputy general manager of SATT Paris-Saclay and pilot of the French Tech Seed Paris-Saclay consortium, recalls “Several of the start-ups labelled “French Tech Seed Paris-Saclay” tell us of the gesture of confidence that this label represents for the investors who accompany them, thanks in particular to the reputation of the members of the selection committee.”
About Quandela
Quandela is one of the first start-ups in the field of quantum technologies in Europe. Since 2017, Quandela has been marketing highly efficient and reliable optical quantum bit sources. Aimed at information technologies, this innovation is an essential component in optical quantum computers capable of solving complex problems (optimization of many parameters, simulation of chemical molecules for the pharmaceutical or chemical industry,…) and for the deployment of a new generation of communication networks and, in the long run, the quantum internet.
More information : www.quandela.com
Press Contact: Valerian Giesz – contact@quandela.com
About Quantonation
Quantonation is the first venture capital fund dedicated to quantum technologies and innovative physics. Areas such as material design, high-performance computing, cybersecurity or ultra-precise detection are now driven by innovation based on these disruptive technologies. Quantonation aims to support their transition to marketable products for the industry. Quantonation is headquartered in Paris, France, and invests worldwide.
More information, visit www.quantonation.com
Press Contact: Eleonore de Rose – eleonore.derose@audacia.fr
About French Tech Seed and the French Tech Paris-Saclay Consortium
With 400 million euros and managed by Bpifrance, the French Tech Seed fund is intended to give leverage to private investment in technology companies under 3 years of age. It operates in a logic of co-investment. From the Future Investment Program, the fund operates through certified prescribers who identify and qualify future technology nuggets and work in coordination with private investors.
The French Tech Seed Paris-Saclay consortium led by SATT Paris-Saclay was certified as a business developer by the French Tech Seed fund in January 2019 and is made up of nine members from the Paris-Saclay ecosystem – AgroParisTech’s entrepreneurial sector, CentraleSupélec, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Genopole, The entrepreneurial sector of HEC, IncubAlliance, the Institut d’Optique Graduate School and the WAI Massy-Saclay of BNP Paribas.
Press Contact: Anne-Laure Aurelle – anne-laure.aurelle@satt-paris-saclay.fr