Event15 October 2019

🗓 Join the first Pan-European Quantum Hackathon!

Press15 October 2019

📌 Quantonation featured in Nature

Press15 October 2019

💡Pasqal dans le Figaro

Interview2 October 2019

💡Quantonation pour Konbini

Event24 September 2019

🗓 Atelier – La réalité de la menace quantique sur la sécurité

Event22 September 2019

🇬🇧 Quantonation on stage : Allocate, the european tech GP event!

Event19 September 2019

🎉 Success for the conference “Future is Quantum” organized along with French Founders

Portfolio18 September 2019

🔍 Portrait des fondateurs de CryptoNext par la BPI

Event6 September 2019

🔬Quantonation at the LETI Innovation Days

Event3 September 2019

💡 Quantum Computing: hype or disruption? Taiwan

Event2 September 2019

Success for the first Quantum Computing Business Conference & Investor day! 🎉

Interview26 August 2019

🇪🇺«La France et l’Europe auront accès aux technologies Quantiques en les développant»

Interview26 August 2019

🔍”The Potential of Quantum Computing” interview of Christophe Jurczak

Interview26 August 2019

“The majority of quantum hardware companies will stay and grow in Europe”

Interview26 August 2019

“We need to explain what quantum technology is about”

Interview22 July 2019

Interview of Charles Beigbeder at the French economic Summit in Aix en Provence.

Press26 June 2019

“France has every asset to be world leader in Quantum Technologies”

Event22 May 2019

Quantum Business Conference, 20th June, @BPI France

Event22 May 2019

Quantonation @Pioneers’19 in Vienna

Press28 April 2019

LightOn en lumière dans Le Monde